If you ever have the good fortune to step into a big league pressbox around these parts, chances are you will run into Mike Haim. But you won't often see Mike's name in a newspaper byline or up in lights, for he is one of these media guys who does much of his work behind the scenes, and he does it well.
What are some of Mike's assignments? He covers games for Associated Press; He covers games for Sports Ticker; He freelances for several area publications; He is a member of the statistics crew at Buffalo Bills games. Want more? He even picks up writing assignments from time to time for visiting clubs who face the Buffalo Bisons. And at Bisons and Sabres games, while most of the local media contingent goes en masse to the home team dressing room, you will find Mike sauntering over to the visiting club for postgame interviews and comments, because that's the job he usually gets to do.
Mike got his first taste of all this media stuff as a kid attending games of the NBA Buffalo Braves. "I would find a way to sneak down to the scorers table and media row after games and collect press notes and media guides. Everntually they just kind of knew me down there and I was in" Mike recalls.
Fast forward to the present and the "new kid" is sneaking into the pressbox, as Mike brings his young son Marshall to Bisons games from time to time, and one can predict that it will just be a matter of time before the next generation of Haims joins the media contingent.
Mike has always been a big fan and supporter of the USRT, soaking in the stories of our travel adventures. We too like listening to Mike's stories, the people he has met, the articles he has written, the experiences he has encountered while doing what he does. We tip our hat to a good friend and colleague!
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