Been watching as much of the NBA playoffs as possible between NHL games as possible(dammit, when's that new HDTV coming in!)....and just chiming in with a few rambling observations.
Place to be as a fan: Oakland. The Oracle Arena witnessed its first postseason game in thirteen years and the fans in the joint treated it like a Finals game. The Warriors responded to the fandemonium by annihilating the top seeded Mavs 109-91.
Worst title defense in recent memory: Miami goes out with a whimper in a four game sweep. I didn't catch much of this one, I'm glad.
Ummm....D-Wade, maybe getting that shoulder fixed should have been a higher priority.
Sucks to be a fan of: any NBA team in the state of Florida. 0 for 8, OUCH!
Not yet ready for prime time award goes to: The Toronto Raptors. I really like what's being built up north and there's a nice young core in TJ Ford, Andrea Bargnani and Chris Bosh. But Kidd, Carter, and Jefferson they ain't. They need another year or so to develop....
Kobe won a postseason game this season. Wonder if he feels like he put one over on Shaq, who got swept this season.
AI....7 for 20, throwing up a few prayers in game three.....sigh.....a lepoard's skin never changes.
Can we just end the Cavs/Wizards series now??
And I still have nothing to say about the Jazz/Rockets series. Maybe later. (Going off topic here...but where can I get my AH YOU jersey at??)
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