Take the drive down from San Francisco to San Jose, and you will pass the gleaming headquarters and towers of every familiar high tech company known to man... Cisco, Oracle, just about every dot com comany. Even in downtown San Jose, the first logo you see outside the arena at the top of the nearest skyscraper is that of Adobe Systems.
So why is it then, that you step into the shiny HP Pavilion at San Jose, home of the NHL San Jose Sharks, and find only the most rudimentary and basic scorebaord and signage? Here, in the epicenter of technology, one would think that this venue would be the marker and example for the newest and most dazzling high tech fan amenities.
And indeed, all that is about to change, as it looks now that the city will be spending a whopping $16.5 million on sophisticated technological upgrades, and as this article in the San Jose Mercury News states, these are improvements that have been bandied about for years.
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